In the early 1970s, a writer and sex specialist, Robert Chartham, developed his own method of increasing the size of a sexual member, which was immediately severely criticized and was taken everywhere.
Dr. Chartham and his assistants have studied every known method of increasing the sex penis, no matter how ridiculous it seemed at first sight. Their attention was drawn to a variety of mechanical devices, oral sex devices, whole grass, creams, stacks, stretching machines, etc.
As a result, a wide-ranging sexual penetration programme has been developed, including all methods of increasing the penitentiaries by which there has been any effect of an increase in the sexual membership. From the medical point of view, the Chartham method is based on the undeniable fact that if a muscle in a human body is always, "to a full-boat," it will eventually lead to an increase.
Studies in the Cook Islands have shown that women in the Cook Islands have been able to reach a disproportionately large clitre through daily exercises. As early as 1902, Dr. White and Martin, in their medical textbook, observed that unusually developed sexes and members of a large size were very often found among the demented and other vulnerable people who were constantly engaged in herbs.
The same provision is supported by researchers at the University of Tulana in New Orleans, who pointed out that male rats who were unable to exercise sexual activity had atrophysized sex. This seems to suggest that intentional, continuous manipulation with a member over a certain period of time increases the sexual membership. This principle is also applied in a bodibilinge, where, through repeated exercises with more or less weight, human muscles reach hypertrophic shape. The muscles increase not only in volume, their strength and yield.
Therefore, we see no reason why a male penis is unable to increase its size (although the penis itself consists of soft muscles and fibrous muscle tissues). Increased penis.
Since 1975, when the programme was first announced, thousands of men in Europe have received such a course and recently in America. I acquired this course in 1985 and correctly implemented all the recommendations contained therein within eight months. The length of my penis at the beginning of the experiment was 16 cm, 4.4 cm in diameter. At the end of the experiment, the dimensions were different: length 19 cm, diameter 5 cm, i.e. now I'm in the top, fifteen percentage category of membership.
Initial instructions indicated that the Chartham method required 100 days.
I think it's a serious misconception. Of the hundreds of my readers who have taken this course of increasing the sex membership under my supervision, a steady increase has to be achieved much longer (semi-annual or even more), although most men note a temporary increase almost immediately. Patience caused by the slow receipt of the desired results is the main reason for the rejection of the experiment by many patients. Most of them want to see an increase like magic in about five or six weeks. I'm sorry, guys, there's no such thing. Not everything is done so soon.
The instructions below do not include some stages of development which the author considers to be ineffective in the process of increasing the sex penetration. In order to make the course as simple as possible, his developer brought all phases of development to three, not five. Physical exercises must be performed on a daily basis unless, of course, disease or injury prevents it. The success of each subsequent day depends on the perseverance of the exercise in previous days.
When Dr. Chartham completed his programme, he conducted a full-scale medical examination at a private clinic in Kent, England, to ensure that his method was effective and practical. The doctors at the clinic have recruited volunteers who have expressed interest in increasing their sexuality. Persons with chronic illnesses, as well as those who have not received permission from their wife, have been excluded on an equal basis with those who have already participated in such experiments.
After all, a group of 64 people had been established. They were divided into two subgroups: the pilot and the monitoring group. The size of the sexual organs (length and diameter of the member) of the participants for a period of three months was measured by the same technical expert. Of the 32 people in the group of 30, the whole course was completed. Of these, 28 showed a constant and verifiable increase in the penis.
The results of the experiments were sent to leading English medical publications: "Britanian Sexual Medicine, "Lancet," "Britan Medical Journal." Dr. Dick Richardson, the author of the book "Penice," calls Chartham's method "the best way to increase the penis he's ever had to meet."
The study revealed some interesting points. At the beginning of the experiment, 100 per cent of volunteers (even with long members) expressed their desire to further extend it. When they asked what they would like more; to extend the penis or to make him more attractive, 28 out of 32 tended to extend. Only 16 wives stopped their choice to drown. By the end of the experiment, the wishes of both were fulfilled.
Now that you've learned about the results, you can resurrect: "Hey, I'm busy, what is an extension of 2.5 cm! You won't notice him!" Don't rush to conclusions. If the average size of the penis is 15 cm long and 4.7cm in diameter with 18 centimeters in length and 5.7 cm in diameter, the striking difference cannot be observed.
Conclusion: This is one of the few ways to increase the size of a male sexual member based on scientific development. If the proposed programme is properly implemented, the majority of men can achieve a significant increase in the sex membership. Although the programme provides for a 100-day period, Dr. Dick Richard claims that the best results can be achieved through a much longer period of time. He recently sent me a letter in which he shared his impressions on the first studies of the 1970s.
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