Fallos worship. Cult Fallos

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Fallos worship

Fallus worship as a life-long symbol of manpower and fertility is a cult known from ancient times, from neolite to the present. The print of this cult is left in all civilizations around the world. Ejaculation is a symbol of the continuation of life and is possible only with an erected penis, in the literature, an erected penis is called a fallos and is therefore a synonym for the continuation of life and is compared with the god as the creator of mankind.

Male penis, fallos - Prehistoric period

For the first time, fallic symbols were found at the beginning of neolitha after the glacier period. Despite the fact that the fallic images were rarely seen in prehistoric times, they were certainly highly symbolic, the power, power and fertility of men were shown. Laussel and Dordogne caves were a great example of anatomical precision and contain the first images of the Fallace dated 30 to 35,000 years ago in the Perigorian period. In Boguslan, Sweden, the bronze-century pictures of naked men during hunting continued. Also in the Sahara Desert, images of bells near the heads of the animals killed were found, the age of these images is 5,000 years before the Christmas of Christ. Prehistoric time drawings were found in Zimbabwe, with a long line of rage, stretching from it to the end of the tulip flower.

Fallos - Anti Egypt, Greece and Rome

The origins of Western civilization begin in land adjacent to the Mediterranean, near the narrow strait originating from the Nile, from the antique Egypt.

The culture of the fallos is well represented in Egypt ' s mythology by the gods of Min, Amon-Ra and Osiris. Fallos is a male sexual member, a symbol of manpower, and this is linked to the legends of the Oziriz fan. Amon-Ra, the king of all the gods, as well as all the images, are displayed with naked fallos.

In ancient Greece, the gods had unlimited power and could determine the fate of people themselves, while the gods were virtually always on Mount Olympus, their sexual advances spread throughout the world. During the rule of the Christian-Mike civilization, there were wild orgies in December, and this is reflected in many sketches on antique vases. These orgy were called the Dionys festivals, Zeus' son and his mistress Semela. During these festivals, the procession was carried by large wooden or stone falloss members and celebrated Dionys. The gods of Pan and Priapus also preached the culture of fallos. Pan is the Arcadian god sheep, Hermes and Penelope's son, turned Hermes into a jerk. Priapus, the god of fertility, was known in Asian countries under the name of God Besa, always portrayed with penis above his own body. In Ellad, and later in the Roman Empire, "hearmae" (Germas) on the plague can be found everywhere. Herma is a square pole with the head of a bearded man upstairs and with an eregrated penis in the middle. These Germans were placed in the fields, roads and in the homes, and people believed that they would protect against thieves and robbers and were also used as a scare. Their primary responsibility was to take away the stupid eye.

Priap and bells.

The ancient Greeks were people of caution and had gods for all life. Now it's hard to tell which of the gods the Greeks read the most, but the gifts to Priap's temple were generous and regular, it's true, both men and women. Priap had decent parents. His father, Dionis, is the god of the vineyard and the host of great orgies of loving saters with rotten vaccoons. His mother was Aphrodita, who was told that she was only fit for love. The passion of Aphrodites to love who got caught and started Priap's evil. Already pregnant with Dionys, she swore her charms to the handsome Adonis and slept with him, which caused the anger of another goddess - Hera. She was the one who stabbed the fruit, and the boy was born with huge genitals, and some say that Priala had even two members, one from Dionys, the other from Adonys. His dick was so great that he had to wear it on a special setup that resembled the balance. My mother immediately gave up the boy, and he was raised by herders, so Priap is often associated with the oil that Greeks considered the most non-resident of all animals. Modern women who call a man "smash" don't even know what a luxury compliment they reward him! Do you have to say that a boy with such "worthy" has grown a real man? It's itself. That's why it's why Priap decided to do something that no God has ever done before. He tried to distract Gesia, the young goddess of virginity, home and family life. Apparently, since then, a male sexual member has become a perpetual threat to the integrity of marriage. Priap is also known for many other signs, and its fallic cult, which has been celebrated as in love as no other, has been distributed not only in Greece and the Rome Empire, but also in Egypt, China, Japan, New Guinea and other countries. What's evidenced by multiple images of male figures with a huge sexual penis, or just a member's figure, just a dick, it's already Priap.


Perfect female dimensions: 9060-90. What's the perfect size of a male sexual member? Priap is sometimes portrayed with a member well above its own size. Indeed, the size of the penis and its shapes varies greatly among different men: someone looks tiny, someone who, on the other hand, is obsessive. However, the size of a member is not as important as its size in the erection mode. Sexologists make jokes: "Erection is a great equationr." This is true because both a large and a small member in a state of erection are usually the same 16 to 18 cm. Sexologists don't think to worry if an erected member is less than that, even if he's only 6 cm, it's enough for a normal sexual act. More than that, not always better. Women ' s vagina has the properties of adjusting to the size of a male sexual member, and it is easier to adjust to a relatively small member than 25 to 28 centimetres. There are also development anomalies. If a member is very small and very large, in the latter case it is called macrophallos. The anomaly is true in the Cape: the penis can be doubled. Boys are sometimes born with a total doubling (two sexual members with two normal urination channels), partial or doubling only the head of a sexual member. Fortunately, these problems can be solved by surgical means.

Priapism. Men are rightly proud of their erection, but some Priap played an evil joke. A sick papism is not proud. Priapism is a urological disease that is persistent, often painfully echoed by a sexual member who is not sexually abused or disappeared after a sexual act. Priapism is related to the violation of the venose outflow of a sexual member. Such patients tend to have a pathological erection suddenly. The erected member is different from the usual: his head is almost unpressed, and the carpet bodies reach almost wooden density. Fortunately, this pathology is not common, with only 0.1 to 0.4 per cent of urological patients suffering from pepism.

The sexuality of the fallos in the Rome Empire has spread to greater magic. This also refers to the countless fallic sacrifices and the use of fallos for practical use as a " neighbour " to protect against evil forces. The Falloss called "fascinum," in translation from Latin, it means "cooling, charming." Large fallic sculptures were placed at the gates of Roman towns and walls of houses, and it's also an unpleasant protective function - it's a stupid eye and brings luck, happiness.

Half member, fallos - Middle Europe up to the 16th century inclusive

At present, we can only speculate about the morality and sexual behaviour of the people of that dark time since the fall of the Western Rome Empire. In the early mid-century, the kelts have taken over a number of Roman traditions and early Christian worlds have also taken the Roman and Keltic elements of a culture and worship of fallows.

In Scandinavia, we find the Fallic God Freyr, who was worshipped by the Vikings in the 9th century of our era. A similar cult has also been found in France, and fallic symbols dated from the mid-century of our era have been found. In the later mid-century, between 1250 and 1550g in Europe, pilgrims were very popular - they were wearing special clothing denominations or attached to their staff, as any such denominator could expect hospitality in any house. About half of these badges are images of holy or other religious emblems.

But there have also been a large number of world fallic badges, such as wings of fallos, which were known in Rome and were also discovered during the pilgrims. Why did they come? What does the eyebrow found in Belgium have to do with the images of three bells, which were crowned wolves? Perhaps that means that old faith in the magical power of witchcraft to take away the stupid eye was never forgotten in the middle century. People who don't know writing in the Far East, Australia and Melanesia. Even at the anti-pods, on the other side of the world, we find the fallic symbols on the constituency owned by Kanak chiefs in New Caledonia.

In Indonesia, images of genitals made by primitive tribes, such as images of Adu Horo or Hampahong, were widely distributed and displayed with hidden hands. Little wooden statues were found on the island of heaven of Bali with huge falloss, which brought great luck. Irian Jaya (Irian Jaya) is located in East Indonesia, where until recently, the Asmat tribe was completely isolated. The tribe erected a pole on the shores of the river with cutting genitals on their top, and the poles were monuments of dead allies, the most cherished and symbolic part of the pole was penis.

Clut Lingham in India. The oldest cult of fallos in India, which has been distributed to date, where fallows are worshipped in the form of lingam.

As in many ancient cultures, the prime god of the Sun, which was called Surya in the centuries, has developed into a triviality than it is until now - the Brahma, the god of the rising sun or the Tvorce, the world that the oln created on its shoulders, Vishnu, the god of the sun, the guardian, and Shiva, the god of the sunset or the ruin. Since the sun is the source of all light in Induism, the fallos has become a symbol of Shiva ' s creativity. It's not the fallows themselves, it's what he serves - the Tvorts, the Space City and the god of Shiva. Parallel can be held with the Christian religion - divine love is expressed in the symbol of the heart, but it is not a symbol of worship, but the idea it bears.

There are thousands of lingams in India today (the falloss, the emblem of the Shiva God) in every Temple devoted to Shiva, where millions of Hindus come every day to worship the gods. In Puruska Sukta, it is written - the worship of the fallows does not mean the worship of the physical body, but simply the recognition of an eternal divine form in a microcosm. The human body is no more than the image of this divine emblem, the original form of life: "lingam."

Man, Fallos - Japan, China, Thailand, Viet Nam and Cambodia

Despite Japan ' s Buddhist-Shinto culture, a symbol of fallos was also found. In Komaka-shi, the Toshira jinga festival is held in each March. The priests carry a giant, cut out of the tree of fallos on the streets of the city. After the festival, this new fallos will be installed next to the falloss established in previous years. In the Himalayas, there is a small State of Brutan, administered by the feudal system and entirely Buddhist. Every boy spends a few months or even years in one of many monasteries or Dzong, the gates to these temples guard the grand size of the warriors with strong genitals, and the cause is also the scare of evil spirits. In the State of Brutan, it is accepted to paint on the facade of the newly constructed house the symbols of the fallos, which will also protect the house from evil spirits.

The symbols also play a huge role in the lives of every Thaiman, they are a mixture of popular faith in the spirits and also a way through which their leaders and Buddhism are linked to magic forces. These amulets can be found in every temple and shop, they are carried by every man and woman, and they give a great picture of the merger of the people ' s religions - Buddhism, Hinduism and anamism. The Palat khik amulets are also very common - they're wearing around the lumbar to protect them from evil. A large model of fallos is called "docmai cao" and is meant for women's spirits in nature. Young girls come to the temple to pray to the goddess of Mae Thap Thin, make sacrifices to meet the man who will be the father of their children.

Between 8 and 16 centuries, Viet Nam has dominated civilization Cham. For many centuries, this kingdom was Hindu, but most palaces and temples were turned into ruins. The magnificent lingams were detected at excavations, and they can now be seen at Cham Museum.

Fallos male sexual member - Black Africa

About 1-1.5 thousand years ago, Africa had a prosperous kingdom with a highly developed culture along the coast of the Niger River. Of the many cultures spread across the river of Niger, Jenee and Boura were the most well-known cultures, which flourished from 2 to 17 years. In excavations, thousands of terrorist pieces and objects that symbolize fallos were found, a male member whose value is still hidden and dark. These figures for about a thousand years - they mean power and fertility, found on the territory of the Vudou tribe in West Africa and the Daghary-Lobi tribe from the Ivorsk coast known as Kpiin-daa. Translation means the tree of the dead. It's a V-like wooden images symbolizing men. In Nigeria, fallics buried half in fields to improve yields. Ethiopia also found a large number of fallic images belonging to primitive tribes. In the Rift Valley valley, which passes through Africa and is also the cradle of humanity, there is a small village of Timutuutuu, it lies on a small hill and isolates thousands of images of border fallos located among crops, banana trees and shackles in the form of a " forest " of falls, whose origin and purpose are still unknown.

At a distance of about 150 km south of Rift Valley, the tribe of Konso lives, whose warriors are still wearing a fallic line called Kaalaacha. In this tribe, the tradition of cutting off the victim's penis has been extended in the past. They put it on the branch and they took it on their forehead when they came home from the war. Fortunately, this tradition has long passed away. But when this tribe passes the festival, the warriors wear as part of the Kalaach suit.

Colombian culture of Central and South America

We have also found the prints of the fallic culture more common in the Chorrera culture, which prevailed between 1,300 and 500 years before our age in Ecuador ' s mountains and the Huateken cultural fallic sculpture in Mexico City (900,1521 grams of our era) In Peru, part of the fallic vase belonged to the early civilization of Mochica (100 g to Ne 200 g) and the Chimu culture (11-1400 g) the artistic performance of the fallos was undoubtedly linked to the level of fertility in those tribes. Anti-Fallic Cultures in Europe from 16 to 19 centuries.

In the period of reform and reform, old habits changed and strict taboos were imposed on sexuality. The pictures of the genitals or the naked nature were painted or hidden under the fig sheets. Only the "scientific" jobs allowed the images of penis, a sexual member.

The anti-balance trend has increased since the publication in England in 1715 of a brochure called the nanum, or the terrible sin of self-destruction and the terrible consequences of it being considered by both sexes, as well as the mental and physical advice of those who have already damaged this abnormal practice. There were three ideas of "sinful sin", "normal practice" and "threatening consequences," the booklet affected the morals of citizens up to the 20th century. Dr. Tissot's publication was also released in 1758, first on Latin, and then that had a much bigger effect on French - "Onaim or study of the mental and physical effects of masturbation." The basic idea of Tissot was not so much to make young people repent and fear, but new views. Since then, boys have not been left for long alone when they went to bed with their hands on the blanket to prevent masturbation. The image of the genitalia was banned, we found only one job, mainly the satirical character of Jaques Callot (1592-1635) to illustrate Pantagriuel.

With the French Revolution, which has brought some freedom, there has been some deviation from public morality, but fallos, a man's sexual member, has lost its strength of the symbol of fertility and manpower, we can see it in some modern art images, although they may also be distorted by the many taboos that have been in force for the past two centuries.

At present, all these taboos have been dispersed and we are rediscovering a huge plate of world culture containing a fallic symbol.

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