The problem of the penis is starting with ancient fallic cults.
Thus, in the crafts and sculpture images of ancient Hindus, males with very long penis prevailed. In the island of Corsica, fallic monuments of the bronze century were found in 15-25 cm long. An infinitely large penis is the main theme of a lot of Japanese Night Books used for centuries as a visual attraction. In Europe, the Renessance erased men's gulphics. D. Richards explains the reasons for this phenomenon: "Sex members are very important to a man. It's the focus of his great pride. It's got a lot of his own ego.
Thus, there is a certain socio-cultural trend of distinctiveness before large penis sizes. In addition, well-known researchers such as Master and Johnson, Bosch, Kokke argue that " there is extensive, documented information that proves that mental frustration of people, their anxiety, conjugal catastrophe, and mental illnesses are attributed to most of our ignorance and lack of accurate information on sex in general and on sexual organs in particular " .
The growing popularity of extended penis operations in recent years has led to a variety of statistical studies. Thus, Wessels H(1998) tried to establish a mathematical relationship between the length of the penis in a calm and inflated state. According to the results, the relationship between the length of the penis in calm and inflated condition is not strong enough to use it for forecasting. The increase in penis length compared to the initial condition is more pronounced for small penis, but the difference cannot be recognized as statistically reliable. The most accurate length of the penis during the erection can be predicted by the maximum tensile.
The popularity of this type of research further confirms that a large sex member is strongly associated with public perceptions of domination and domination, and this is certainly a substantial argument in favour of a more sensitive relationship to genetic surgery.
The change in the priorities of public morality and consciousness towards humanization has led to a major focus of modern medicine as improving the quality of human life. The quality of sexual life is an important component of this concept.
There is a steady increase in interest in transactions that increase penis. More than 90 per cent of the world ' s sex promotion operations are carried out by men with a normal penis.
What is the cause of sexual activity?
Based on our experience, which coincides with the literature (Ehrlich R.M., Alter G.J. 1999), the reason for surgical intervention is poor quality of sexual life. However, it is well known that the length of a sexual member does not generally affect the possibility of a partner reaching an orange. Rather, even more important for coitus may be the density of penis penis penetration. Therefore, the desired density is much easier to achieve a relatively simple surgical operation that reduces the vagina.
The main motivation of patients to increase penis is the desire to match the symbol of courage and sexuality. This symbol has historically evolved and has recently been cultivated by the media. Equally important is that a large sex member is an additional factor in visual erogation. Analogy can be made with the size of the dairy irons, for which the implantation of endoprotes is widespread.
It is clear that medical evidence for foaming operations is not defined, and in most cases the patient ' s steadfast desire is the only indication for elongation.
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