"Maybe all. The impossible simply takes more time." Dan Brown.
Students at lectures on how to increase sex and sex education refused to believe that an increase was possible through exercise. But in today's world, there's a generally accepted belief that a man from birth is given the size of a penis who stays with him for life, even though it's not true.
Fortunately, the myth that an increase is not possible is gradually being scattered. Various equipment and exercises to increase membership have spread throughout the Internet, and a lot of evidence has been gathered that an increase in membership is real. At least 1.3 million men tried to train their cock. Many of these men communicate online to discuss their achievements and results. That's what one of them wrote, a 20-year-old man:
When I first started training my cock, I had a lot of doubt about success. Since then, my attitude towards penis exercises has changed dramatically. I've been doing exercises for two weeks and I've already got results: the length and breadth of my penis has increased by half a centimetre. My sluggish size also increased by 20%.
32-year-old male says:
I added about 4 centimeters in length and about 1 centimetre in a year of training. Me and my wife think it's a significant result, and it's still hard to believe how much my penis has changed. But the point is, I feel more confident now. It's amazing how the exercises for a member affected almost everything in my life. I'm still asking myself why I didn't hear about this technique 15 years ago.
Another 45-year-old man says:
I started training my dick because it was hard for me to deal with the fact that he's gonna be little for my life. I've invested a lot of time in these exercises, but it's worth it. After one and a half years of hard practice, I added about seven centimeters in length and increased the round by four centimeters. You want to believe it, you don't want it, but it's possible to increase it.
In 2005, I conducted a study on exercises for a member, the first of its kind, in which more than 1,000 men participated. The results of the study showed that those men who had performed foam exercises for 3 months had added an average length of 2.5 cm and a round of 1.2 cm. If these measurements are translated into volume, it can be seen that on average men increased their membership by almost 50 per cent.
According to Griffin, the study was conducted in 1975 by Dr. Brian Richards, the results were published in the British Medical Journal, as well as in the British Journal of Sexual Medicine. The experiment was carried out by 30 men, who spent three months in a range of exercises similar to those contained in the methodology. By the end of the study, 28 men out of 30 had clearly shown signs of increased size. The average addition in length was 3 cm and the average incubation was 2.5 cm.
The most successful result known to date has been observed by a man whose initial size was 11 cm in length and 8.5 cm in rounds. In two years, it increased the size of its member to 20 cm in length and to 14 cm in rounds.
Although the results of this man are much higher than the average, he is not alone. Innumerable numbers of men have been able to significantly increase the size of their sexual member using the exercises described in the methodology.
The myth that an increase is impossible is not the only one, there are others. Many of these myths are part of the general problem of the current perception of exercises for a member. These myths play a major role in why society does not believe in the possibility of increasing membership through exercises. It's time to completely dissolve all these myths.
" There are no exercises to strengthen a member, as a member is not a muscle " , writes Rachel Swift in his methodology. Although this allegation is accepted by most people as a fact, it is nevertheless false. The penis is about half of the muscle.
This myth is still alive because the muscles inside the cock don't look like traditional muscles, like, say, your biceps.
There are three types of muscle:
So the penis is basically made of smooth muscles.
All these muscles are different, but their internal structure is similar. Each type of muscle consists of proteins that are vital for the operation of the muscle system. The smooth muscles, like the skeletal, begin to grow when stress is experienced, such as physical exercises. One study had even shown that the introduction of skeletal muscles into the soft muscles of a member contributed to the improvement of the firmness and strength of the erection, indicating how similar these two types of muscles were. The truth is, soft muscles are as important to your penis as cardiacs for your heart. " The right functioning of smooth muscles is necessary for a normal erection process, which is written by Dr. Michael DiSanto from Pennsylvania University. - The smooth muscles inside a member are tight and relaxed only with stimulus. "
When the smooth muscles are relaxed, the penis is rapidly filled with blood, while the smooth muscles are expanding and the erection process is under way. In a healthy cock, these processes take place in seconds.
Every man has different muscles. Some may have 50 per cent of the membership, and others have less than 30 per cent. This distinction is a key factor explaining why a member of some men is not capable of eroding, while other erections may last for hours. " Dr. Eric Vespes, a urologist, is the key determinant of healthy erections.
It is not surprising that the amount of smooth muscle tissue inside a sexual member decreases in the ageing process. In a study published in the International Impotence Research Journal, Dr. Wespes measured the percentage of smooth muscles inside a male member of different ages. Men under 40 years of age had an average of 46 per cent of the membership of smooth muscles. Men aged 41 to 60 had 40 per cent of the figure and, finally, men over 60 had 35 per cent of smooth muscles.
In the ageing process, the erection weakens, and the member often decreases in size, mainly due to reduced smooth muscle mass. As many men have significantly increased their penis strength through the exercises described in this methodology, it is clear that the exercises contribute to the development of smooth muscles within the sexy member, although researchers have yet to confirm this. In any case, the member is partly composed of the muscles and, therefore, it shall be increased and fixed if it is trained.
Fact: All medicines only have short-term effects, leaving the cause of the problem untouched.
The erectile dysfunction is the inability to receive and maintain erection. It's a final dead end for sexual relations. In the world, about 200 million men suffer from erectile dysfunctions, and the number of such men is steadily increasing. By 2025, scientists predict that the number of men suffering from the disease will be close to 325 million.
Many men are erroneously linked to the erection of ageing. This is because, as men grow older, they are increasingly imposing various kinds of pills that will help to cope with the erectile dysfunction. However, all these pills are often unnecessary and sometimes lead to a number of additional health problems.
Instead of pills, men simply have to keep their sexual penis in good physical form. Studies show that certain exercises for a sexual member can increase the penis to the same extent as the pills. My study was attended by 1,000 men, most of them having experienced a " strong and strong erection " after the exercise. That's what a 62-year-old man says:
I've had problems with erections at the age of 55. It's only been worse for two years. Fortunately, I started researching this problem and learned about exercises for a sexual member. Now my erection is almost as strong as my youth!
But most importantly, it is that a stronger member often becomes stronger. Many men say that their first success in adding penis is rapid and significant, in simple terms, this is due to improved blood circulation within a sex member. Moreover, some exercises reinforce the muscles of the pelvis diaphragm is those muscles that are responsible for blood flow into a sexual member.
Fact: In order to increase the size of a sexual member, time is required.
While some rumours say that the increase in the penis is not possible, others suggest that this is a fast and easy process. All these speculations come to a man with different electronic spams and promotions to increase sex membership.
In many ways, this false information is a reason why many people are sceptical about increasing the size of a sexual member: " Add 5 cm in only 2 weeks! "
Although an addition of 5 cm is possible, but not for a two-week period. 5 cm a year, that sounds more real. The exercises don't yield results overnight. And it doesn't matter what organ or set of muscles you're training, whether your penis, the press or even your brain.
The process of self-improvement of the whole world requires time and determination. If you have both, you will be successful.
How long will it take to achieve the desired size?
That's what the results of the study showed:
Modify your kind of thinking with " Suddenly " on " I will have the size of the penis I want " . Why?
Because if you start classes with a start like, "now or never," you'll either retrieve or finish the first two weeks of training. But if you come to exercises with the understanding that achieving the desired results will take at least a few months, you will have the necessary patience to bring this case to a conclusion. The exercise will be most useful when you treat them as a healthy habit, such as cleaning teeth in the morning and in the evening, for example, or going to the gym.
Overall, the results are approximately as follows: the addition of 2.5 to 5 cm is fairly widespread and requires several months to a year of work. 7.5 cm is rare, but some men have been able to add more and more, an average year of such results. In any case, every man is unique: some add 5 to 10 cm in 3 to 4 months, while others add several millimeters in several years. There are several factors affecting the speed of achievement of the result.
List them:
Fact: The increase in membership often remains constant and does not disappear.
The worst in physical exercises is that you can spend three years achieving the perfect figure, and then get back to the old forms without a year. Fortunately, this is not the case with exercises to increase membership. If you stop doing this, the results don't go anywhere. Many men still had acquired amounts after 10 years without classes. The persistence of the size of a sexual member is likely to be related to the fact that the erection itself is a light form of exercise for a sexual member.
A member, along with smooth muscle fibers inside him, is trained every time you have an erection. Every time you have sex, masturbate or nightly erection, your dick is training. These daily erections will definitely not increase the size of your sexual penis, but they will certainly help to preserve the results you have already achieved.
However, all results are constant. Some men are partially losing their skilled centimeters over time, while others may lose all the accumulated results. This may be due to the fact that a man for some reason does not erode enough times. In order to strengthen your results and try to make them permanent, you will need to use back-up exercises, which include a gradual reduction in loads instead of stopping all training immediately.
Fact: Like any other exercise, exercises for a member are useful.
Many men mistakenly believe that sexual exercises are dangerous. This is mainly due to the fact that many men do not know and understand how to train their dick properly, which is why they overload it. This can be easily avoided if you follow some of the instructions you will find out in the second part of this book.
The most common misleading of men training their membership is that if you do 10 minutes a day and achieve good results, 60 minutes a day, you can achieve even greater size. The exercises for a member are not working, and too much pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, a sexual member is a permanent organ, and all signs of erectile dysfunction almost always disappear after a few days. In any case, when a man comes to a doctor and says that he has had problems with erection, the doctor often automatically refers to the cause of an exercise disorder for a member.
It's no secret that to be in shape, your muscles need to be constantly trained. It's the same thing with your dick.
Let's look at the example. Your heart's mission is a blood flow. Any exercise that facilitates the work of your heart and makes it more effective is certainly useful to you and your organism. Now let's see the work of your sexy member. A member must be strong enough to have sex for pleasure or for procreation. Anything that makes the work of your member more simple and effective is helpful to him. So we're here to see that exercises for a sexual member are as useful as daily runs for your heart.
Most men write about the value you've gained from exercise: apart from the fact that the sex penis is growing in size, there is also a growing firmness, a better sense of sex, more pronounced orgasms and more.
Let's get the list of " bonuses " that men say:
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