Stamina-Rx Maximum Sexual Stimulant, 2 pills
The six-strong plates in a blue emalomed envelope with a marked Rx marking in a transparent bed, a closed leakproof tread and a top-track with additional pululoid protection against autopsy, in package 2 pills. The English version contains information on the date of final use, the lot number, the fabric data, the list and the numbers of ingredients, recommendations for dosing and warning.
Key ingredients:
Epimedium Extract (Leaves), Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa, Cnidium Monnier, Yohimbe Extract (Bark) (8 mg Yohimbe Alkoloids), Cnidium Extract (Fruit), Xanthoparmelia Scarbosa Extract (Lichen), Gamma Amino Butyric Acid, L-Argin
Supporting ingredients:
microcrystalline cellulose, dextrose, starch, stearic acid, hydroxy propyl methylcellulose, magnesium stearate, silica, titanium dioxide, triacetin, fdc blue #1 aluminium lake;
Date of use before: 07.2014
In order to achieve the best results, take one pill without cutting and filling a sufficient quantity of liquid 1 hour before the alleged sex. Maximum dose is two pills a day. The effect will extend to 12 hours, and you will experience incredible feelings. "Nothing! A lot of people celebrate the next day. It's connected to sipping weak alcoholic drinks. Use it as necessary. When used regularly, once every three days, improves the profile, provides a quick erection, removes the sense of possible failure, restores power, makes sex quality, satisfying the most demanding partner.
It is not recommended that the present drug be used in a dose exceeding the specified, or for a long period, for more than 3 months without interruption of 6 to 8 weeks.
Preparate may not be applied in the case of severe liver, kidney and thyroid diseases, the presence of various ulcers of the stomach-kid tractor, gastrit, verbs, adrenomethics, arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), depressed atherosclerosis, cardiac disorders, cardiac disorders.
You shouldn't take the medication if you use antidepressants, tranquilizers or high-pressure reduction medication.
You can't take drugs to people who have suffered psychosis before.
If there are any cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended that a doctor be consulted before the medication is received.
This drug is for adults only. Preparata is not intended for older persons and children. Keep him in a place that's unavailable to the kids.
When there's a dizziness, insomnia, headaches and a heartbeat, stop the drug. No prescription is recommended.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Pregnant or breastfeeding women must not accept the Yohimbe drug, since the full impact of the drug in these cases has not been examined.
The overdose may be nerve, migraine, tahicardia, stomach pain, diarrhoea, vomit, dizziness and orthostatic hypotension.
Storage conditions in a dark cool place protected from moisture.
Store a place for children.
♪ Stamina-PRO is a pro, definitely. Not used to it. She's starting, and you're like a boy! I use it when I'm tired or demanding partner. ♪
"No side events. I'm just standing there when and where I need a bull! Thank you."
"I'm going easy now, I'm not afraid to try new positions. I don't think I'm doing my job on a full program!
"All I've tried before in sex shopping and pharmacy, nothing compared to Stamina-PRO."
"I got rid of fear for possible failure. Strict erection only makes sense of pleasure. I can do it now!
"Para capsule is always with me. I'm sure I know how to compare to me in bed now it's not everyone!
"Effect has two or three more days! I've been a long time, but all day, I've been thinking about CATA sex when you can do it all night. "
"Stamina-Rx is the coolest thing! I took it out of curiosity and used it once a week. My girl doesn't walk away from me!
Stamina-Rx is the same Viagra, only cheaper and more efficient!
5 times stronger than other sex stimulants
Viagra | 4 hours |
Stamina-Rx | 12 hours |
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