The art of women's enthusiasm is that you learn to control women's erotic fantasies. The sex between a man and a woman often occurs precisely because each partner is pre-eminently determined to obtain the maximum satisfaction. Therefore, the art of enthusiasm is the ability to encourage women to have sexual associations associated with you.
From time to time, we all read incredible articles in newspapers and magazines about these biological baits. For the first time, it was written at the beginning of the twentieth century, when a French entomologist, Jean-Anri Fabr, found a doll in the woods, brought it home, and soon he had a beautiful butterfly eye out of his doll. He put her in a cell with a frequent net, and the next morning, to the eclipse, found that around the cage, there were about 40 males of that butterfly. Fabre decided to check if they were attracted to something from a female: to that end, he wore a glass cap and the enthusiasm of males was immediately gone. Later, researchers demonstrated that the effect was caused by a volatile aromatic substance produced only by the females of that type of butterfly, and it was found that they were able to take the signal in a more than three kilometres safely.
Thus, the prospect of researchers was surprising. The impact of this first open pheromone on male behaviour was obvious: male involvement had a reproductive background. The bee starts to separate the pheromone at a time when she leaves the hives during her marriage flight, and all the tritneys follow the trail, trying to make her happy. However, the same iron of this uterine is another pheromone that suppresses the activities of ovarians of all other bees. This contributes to the preservation of public order, in which only one female in the groe is responsible for reproduction (this seems to be a very primitive form of cohabitation, which is common to low-life animal species such as insects, but the exact same structure of the community can be found in small monkey marmoses from South America). The third pheromone, which separates the bee, helps the ulhull to distinguish its own from the blush. Animal behaviour - sexual reaction, aggression, food search or hazard warning - is automatically controlled by these signals. You can say that the pheromones are turning into robots of the people they're aiming for.
In the meantime, pheromone livestock uses a variety of applications. If the piggy wants to know if the pork has a leak, it uses a pheromone pulse. The rags are used to search the truffles, and they are particularly good at this task because the smell of truffles is very similar to the pheromone of their own. No wonder the truffles are sold as aphrodisiac. California has a kind of spider that can simulate insect felons. Each spider can synthesize and allocate 16 different aromatics, which are nothing different from the true pheromones, and which it treats its web so as to know exactly what kind of food that day goes to his table... It may be questioned whether this delicate specialization has not affected the nature of these spiders. Suddenly they turned into unbearable, spoiled creatures...
The plants also attract insects by simulating the pheromones. For example, the orchid fries out of the Orchid family separates the vector of their dust, with the flower in its form similar to the veil-increased vagina with which the tread is co-built with at least the intensity that it does to a female of its kind. Similarly, in artificial insemination centres, without problems, it is possible to force bulls to settle, with procreational intentions, the ordinary wooden fence on which the cows are hanging.
The pheromone behavior control system exists in the most primitive section of the brain, the paleoencephalon, which is also known as the brain of reptile. The snake usually gives us a vicious impression, because we don't know why it always puts out and takes out the language. Only recently has it been proved that these fast, lightning language movements promote the air towards the end of its morda, where the appropriate organ, the receptor of the pheromones, is located. He's completely independent of the smelling organs and is known as the snikovos (or Jacobsonov) of the organ. Just a few years ago, it became known that such a body existed in humans. Inside the nose passage, in two centimetres, in the lower part of the bows, the technician sometimes detects a slight red splinter, starts a sack of vomiting shape, about one centimetre long. This body is available to all people, but many people have a very different view of the cartilage section of the nosebag, and sometimes it is difficult to detect. Microscopic research shows the presence of a structure that resembles the structure of the garment body (which is, in fact, much deeper and higher in the nose): cells that are covered with very thin hairs that transform the contact with volatile particles into nervous signals and nerve fibers that transmit these signals to the brain.
The Sosnikovos Authority is not known yet, but it seems that there will be a little time (which will begin as usual in the United States) and patients will begin to file their claims to the Orangers through the court for the alleged destruction of the sysnomonos body in the remediation operations. Of course, the doctors will take the necessary steps to protect themselves. In the memoranda that will be distributed to patients before the operation, of course, it will already mention such possible damage to the body, as well as the expected consequences.
Recent studies have been carried out in which certain synthetic pheromones have been inhaled by the test subjects, followed by the recording of electrical signals (inertial impulses) in their nerve fibers. The results of the studies showed that the schenikovic organ appeared to be capable of detecting volatile particles that did not register a common body of smell, but in turn it did not respond to some very strong smells. A classic example of this smell is nail oil, which is commonly used as a temporary measure of dental pain treatment. In general, it is time for us to get used to the thought that our behaviour is seriously affected by volatile substances that we are unable to detect consciously; not all seducing substances are as odours. Accordingly, it is best not to refer to the sysnikovos body as a sense organ, because the organs of feeling transmit signals from the surrounding world to our minds with five senses. The earlyest synthetic pheromone research has produced another striking result: women are more likely to react to the ER-670 substance, which does not apply to men at all; and, on the contrary, men are strongly responding to ER-830, which leaves women completely indifferent.
This is a remarkable fact, since there is no more such body with such a selective reaction. If men and women have the same body, this body will respond equally, for example, to hormonal incentives. Men are theoretically capable of developing dairy irons, but such growth potential has never been realized throughout their lives. If necessary, high levels of female genital hormones will have to be established in the blood, and even girls do not have such levels until the age of puberty begins. If men give large doses of synthetic estrogen, they can quickly reach a certain level, as we already know from the hormonal treatment that is being carried out for transgender men-to-woman (i.e. men who are undergoing the process of becoming women).
The farm system thus has special features. How, however, would the system be integrated into the overall biological picture? If the colony of the ants is seen as a single body, then the pheromones can be considered a system of transferring incentives from one ants to another. The first name, once given to these substances, reflected, by the way, this idea, which was then referred to as " etohormones " (external hormones). In the body of an individual animal, the transmission of incentives is mainly through the nervous system and, in addition, through (endo) hormones, substances formed in some parts of the body and then transported (mainly through bloodstreams) to other parts of the body to influence them. Various bodies, through such cooperation, support life in the organism; equatormons provide the right cooperation of individual members of the colony of related organisms in order to better support the community as a whole and to promote the spread of these.
What's the nature of the mystery attraction between a man and a woman? Why can't women just resist a man sometimes?
Modern science has come to explain these mysteries.
Scientists have long been aware that certain hormones called pheromones give animals greater sexual desire. These were used, for example, by artificial horses, when, when seeds were harvested at the rib, it was stimulated by the smell of the cobath that had a flower.
The Ridge didn't even need to see or touch, just smell and respond to the relevant pheromones.
Scientists decided to determine whether there was a similar mechanism in human relations and conducted a thorough study of the role of pheromones in partner selection.
And the evidence was obtained. People themselves develop and respond to the pheromones so much that, for example, men ' s pheromones can cause changes in women ' s ovulation cycle, which means she's ready and interested in soy.
Just imagine:
A man's power that can make a woman want and her body respond physiologically!
And it's not just a proven scientific phenomenon. The hormonal laboratory studies have been found, identified and concentrated.
And that's what NEXUS Feromon is the most important hormones that can change your life!
The NEXUS Feromon is so effective that it can be called unfair. But you deserve that advantage!
Now you know the secret of the performance of NEXUS Feromon is the real men's pheromones who make a woman's sexual desire.
Maybe you think it's true?
The answer is yes!
The influence of the pheromones on behaviour is detailed and well documented in medical and scientific journals, such as:
Nature Journal: Studies of the University of Chicago Journal Microscopy-UK and Micscape:
Chemical compounds triggering the Journal The Scientist: What's that?
Report of Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Feromones and mammals
Simon Fraser University: Presentation to the International Society of Human Ethology - Human Feromones and Neuroendocrinology of Human Behaviour.
An article published in Seattle Times published a report on a study of the human felon synthesized from a chemical compound that is part of the sweat. In particular, it shows that the human pheromone, like the animals of the pheromones, stimulates sexual desire. Thirty-eight persons participated in the study, 17 of whom used a razor gel with a pheromone addition and 21 used conventional helmets. All participants were then asked to describe their sexual relationship during the experiment. As a result, the pheromone gel used was much more sexually occupied than those who used a simple helmet. As a result, researchers concluded that " human pheromones are causing a marked statistical increase in the number of romantic encounters in which women play a central role, and thus human pheromones affect the sexual attractiveness of men in the eyes of women.
When you were lost in the trust and subconsciousness of a girl, you could also start establishing sexual associations associated with you.
In Japan, there's such a custom: a man (in childhood), when he's happy, gives some kind of bubble with spirits. By the way, every time the bubble gives the same smell. When a man grows up, a bubble with those spirits will give him. And if a man has any trouble, he smells that bubble again. Naturally, the subconscious awakens joy and happiness. That smell is the anchor for happiness. It works, by the way, better than any sedative.
You can also put an anchor on sex. Of course, when a girl with someone has sex and an orgasm, You can't put a bubble of toilet water under her nose, and then all that bubble can spill on you. Although, it would be more powerful than any trigger. So you need to learn not only to put anchors, but to switch them from one view to another.
Obviously, it's impossible to put an anchor in a little girl's face for sex. But you can put an anchor just for fun, and whatever you want, from delicious food, good weather, witty joke. Then, gradually, turn this anchor on itself, only then for sex.
Unfortunately, right now, if you run to meet, build up and anchor beautiful women, you can't do anything. Because the art of enthusiasm is not knowledgeable, it's skill. And skill only comes from grand practice. Is that a closed circle? Not at all.
The studies of the pheromones were, of course, more intensively carried out on animals than on humans, because their influence on the daily behaviour of people was not predictable. Moreover, commercial opportunities for the marketing of substances that single-sex representatives can use to increase the involvement of another sex are indeed great, and this has been well understood by all since then: more modern Shakespeares have spoken of " loving apples " , so they called skin-cleaned apples that women had been wearing armpits for some time before they put it on the table... And in Greece and in the Balkans, men and this day, say they keep a handkerchief underneath their shirt during all kinds of celebrations, and then, during the dance, they swallow them, so their pheromones can't not reach their lovers. For example, in a famous film called Wanda (1988) Otto, the lover of Vanda's movie, "the man isn't too smart, but he's a slutty and very self-loving man," before he comes in all his man's paint, "storms himself, sniffing his own armpits... People ' s fairy tales mention a lot of prescriptions of love drinks, and they don't include: the ingredients usually find sweat and urine, and the vagina and menstrual.
The main aromatic signals on which the arts of these lovers are based are, however, taken from the vast array of male genital hormones that men usually produce in abundance, much more than women. The influence of hormones is surprising, and the oldest and best known example of this transmission is the synchronization of menstrual cycles among women who have lived together for a long time. It's not as simple as it usually is. Among lesbian couples, it is estimated that about 50 per cent of the menstrual cycle begins simultaneously, but 30 per cent of the menstruation is not synchronized. It can't be an accident, either. The woman who had begun to study the feminine causes of the phenomenon was called Genevieve; she was also struck by the fact that women with whom she was in close contact had finally begun to have a menstrual cycle that coincided with her own. She had come up with her colleague with the following experiment: three times a week, Genevieve had eight sterile wattts under his mouse, followed by each of them on the upper lips of eight women who had volunteered to participate in those studies. Four months after the first day of the menstruation, they had a significant convergence. The observation received during the same period of the initial studies of the pheromones is that, on average, women who have little contact with men have less regularity in the menstrual cycle than women who are exposed to male peaks. This phenomenon can also be transmitted through cotton tampons, " permanent " on male armours. Men, however, lack of women ' s society has led, for example, to a slowing of hair on their face.
In any case, these are often by-products of divorced male hormones. Some existing substances (such as adrostenol, which is most commonly used in experiments) have some aromatics, and it often resembles aromatics used in perfume, such as muscus and castor oil. All ingredients that act as sex stimulants that meet in spirits can be said to be unpleasant if it occurs in a high concentration, but in a weak concentration it has an erotic effect. The natural muscus is derived from iron in the abdomen of the muscular deer, which is found high in the Himalayas and the Atlas mountains. Some active pheromones give a little urine; of these, the Andespenan is most commonly used for experimental purposes. That's what a curious experiment was made using muscle and castor oil. At the doctor's office, one chair was sprayed by an urinant (with a urine blow) and it turns out that men don't sit on that chair, but women would definitely prefer it, even if the others were unoccupied. In a phone box that was sprayed by an Androstone (with a muscle blow) and men and women had longer conversations than usual...
When men from the test team were asked to assess the beauty of women in photographs, the spraying of the Andreen photo always helped to increase the popularity of a particular woman. When they assessed the quality of men as " liver " , a little anandrost in the air helped women to excell their assessments, while men from a mixed group estimated to be underestimated. The study thus depends on a substance that people can smell in principle, but which is too small to be detected. We can't say clearly whether the signal is transmitted through a normal sense of smell or through a stunning body. The uniqueness of this discovery is that there may be pheromones that affect people, but they cannot be overemphasized, regardless of their concentration, and that, at all, their existence is possible only on the basis of the conduct they cause...
There are many examples of the inexplicable influence of the pheromones. So in the novel of a writer, Herbig Wassmo, Book of Deans (1996), a reader goes to church on the Norwegian sea coast for Christmas. After heroin's service, he meets his lover at organic choirs, and there they betray passionate love. When they follow this, they join the other parish priest's house, a prosty, the unexpectedly fun. Everyone has a particular uptight mood, and it's all because of the " foreign smell of sea salt winds and land " .
Meanwhile, the smell was in the room. Killed appetite. I broke into the conversation, and then the words came out of the mouth, and the look was blissfully absent. The smell turned the parish into a whole balm, and it doesn't matter that it's almost exhaled by the end of the evening. After a while, he came up in memory, and people lost their minds, trying to figure out why they felt so good about having coffee at a test on the first day of Christmas.
The most “feromonal” novel is, of course, Patrick Zuskind ' s “Parfumer” (1985).
At the end of the book, the blissful parfumer returned to the environment from which he once came out: some vicious people, all sorts of things, criminals scattered around the arm of a broken fire, among the incredibly mud and voni. And when the hero licked himself in the spirits of his own manufacture, his genius invention, he was an angel in the eyes of the crowd. All they wanted to be with him as close as possible: " Every time they wanted to touch him, everyone wanted to rip a piece out of him, " , and now the wild orgy has started, during which the hero is tearing apart and eating... In a few minutes, after he had nothing to do with it, everyone thought that " while they were in the stomach, they felt a bit heavy, their hearts were clearly better. " Every one of them suddenly realized that they might have done something good for the first time in their lives, something good, something that is what love pushed them into, one love, and nothing else.
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