10 facts about the female reproductive system

10 facts about the female reproductive system

All about women's vagina.

Leonardo da Vinci almost knew nothing about the woman's internal structure.

Leonardo da Vinci was a genius. In addition to the fresco, sculpture and other works, he left behind a large number of anatomy drawings. Most of them are extremely accurate, but according to the figures of the Great Leonardo, the scholar had little knowledge of the women ' s reproductive system. According to the clinical anatom Peter Abrahams (Peter Abrahams) from the University of Warwick (Warwick University), Leonardo da Vinci was completely misleading. A woman's uterus in his drawings is more like a uterus of animals. A scientist suggests that Leonardo da Vinci had no opportunity to explore a woman ' s body, so he used the knowledge that he obtained by autopsing animals.

The match is incredibly elastic.

Matrix of a healthy non-pregnant woman is a small body with a length of approximately 7.5 cm high and 5 cm wide. However, during pregnancy, this body has undergone significant changes. By mid-pregnancy (20 weeks) the uterus reaches the beep level. By 36 weeks, the peak of the uterus reaches the lower part of the chest.

The vagina has a acid environment.

A healthy woman in the vagina has an acid environment around 4.5 ph. The acidity of the vagina can be compared to the acidity of beer or tomatoes. The atmosphere in the vagina is created by special microorganisms, such as labs. Lactobacteria belongs to a group of milk-oxidized bacteria that prevails in a female vagina. These bacteria are classified as "good" or "favourable" bacteria. The acid environment created by these bacterias prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

The significance of the virgin mould is greatly exaggerated.

There is a lot of fuss and conversation around the women ' s mould, although, in fact, this culted part of the female organism is just a small piece of elastic tissue covering the entrance to the vagina. It can be broken both during the first sexual act and during another infiltration. Besides, she can just get a little bit horny or not. In other words, the existence of a virgin diaper does not indicate that a woman has never had sex, and vice versa does not suggest that a woman has had sex. By the way, in rare cases (approximately 2,000 newborns), girls are born with a whole virgin foot, without a single opening through which menstrual blood could flow in the future. In such cases, surgical intervention is required.

Is G point real?

It seems that point G is particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation in the vagina, the most mysterious part of the female body. Many women believe that they are experiencing particularly intense orgasms in the promotion of this point, but scientists are still not convinced of this phenomenon. Most recently, a surgeon from Florida, named Adam Ostrzenski (Adam Ostrzenski), reported that a 83-year-old woman had found the very G point that was made up of an erectile tissue. However, other scholars believe that finding could have been something different, both an internal extension of the clitoris and some kind of iron. Furthermore, it is not known whether this woman has ever experienced a vaginal orgasm. So far, scientists have failed to find substantial evidence of this very point. However, her absence has not been proved.

Two uterus from one woman, that happens too!

It's very rare, but it's still happening! Some women are born with two matches rather than one. Divorce occurs when the embryo has a reproductive system. Girls ' uterus is formed from two tubes that are connected and then become a single body. However, sometimes the pipes are not connected and each of them becomes a separate uterus. I wonder if not only a uterus can be separated. There are cases where a girl is born with two vaginas. Normally, this condition is not accompanied by any special symptoms, but sometimes unusual menstrual bleeds or conception problems can make it seem that there is a problem.

It's not easy to set a date of conception.

That sounds kind of weird, but it's a fact that a woman is considered pregnant before conception. How can that be? The thing is, the doctors are counting the period of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. Of course, on the first day of menstruation before pregnancy, a woman could not be pregnant, why would a strange counting point be used? The thing is, in most cases, a woman can't exactly call a day of conception. However, a woman may remember the date of the last menstruation. The moment of conception cannot be recorded and it is impossible to confirm the pregnancy until the embryo is implanted into the uterus. This needs to be taken into account when using domestic pregnancy tests - don't try to use the test two weeks after the intended conception.

Whatever women used in critical days!

Modern women can choose what to use during menstruation. A woman can use the stacks, tampons, special industrial cappies. If she so desires, she can use all of these tools at the same time. However, in the past, when there was no such hygienic burden, women had to be inventive during menstruation. According to Elissa Stein (Elissa Stain) " Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation " , during critical days, ancient Egyptians used soft papirus, and Ancient Greece ' s resident was a corned wood. An ancient Japanese woman used paper. Later, various types of absorbent tissue and special gangs were used.

Talks about critical days bring women closer.

A recent study revealed that women are becoming more closely linked to each other by talking about menstruation and sharing their experiences in this regard. This is particularly the case of those women who were raised in cultures where menstruation is considered to be something dirty and even "disgraceful." Women with such education are shy of their condition during critical days, so by sharing their experiences with another woman, they feel that they share something very intimate.

Disney's Multifilms taught anatomy school kids.

Do you know what movie company called the vagina for the first time? It was the first time that this word was made in Walt Disney's Multh Film in 1946. Multhylm was a woman ' s menstruation and was designed for school classes. The cartoon told me what menstruation is, why it's happening. Thanks to this manual, schoolgirls learned how to act during menstruation, until they avoid shutting down and "no pity" in critical days.