The ABC of sex - EyakusEarly ejaculationProblem of premature ejaculationThere was a need to understand the terminology that created the prereq…оргазмполовой актвлагалищесемяизвержениепреждевременная эякуляциямужчиныэякуляциямужчинарезультатпроблемавиды эякуляции
The ABC of sex - Early ejaculationCauses of premature ejaculationEarly ejaculationAmong the factors of premature ejaculation, the leading factor is the v…оргазмполовой актпреждевременная эякуляцияэякуляция
The ABC of sex - Methods of psycho-sex correctionTreatment of a doctorThere is a time when it is not possible to treat a man without help in a white chalat, whose speci…половой актпреждевременная эякуляцияэякуляциямужчинастимуляцияженамужвремя
The ABC of sex - AcceptancesTechnology techniques and techniquesMen and women ' s physiological (somatic) factors play a significant role, ind…половой членполовой актвозбуждениеэякуляцияклитор
The ABC of sex - Male orgasmMale orgasmOrgasm of manOrgasm. orgao - dust passion, high degree of sweetness occurring at the end of the sexual act o…оргазмженщиныполовой членполовой актсемяизвержениемужчиныэякуляциявремятелополовая актмужской оргазммочеиспускательный канал
The ABC of sex - No seedEndless sex Twenty years ago, the definition of premature sequencing had very clear parameters: everything that lasted …оргазмсексженщинысемяизвержениеэякуляциямужчинаяички
The ABC of sex - EjaculationEyaku MechanismEyaku MechanismEyagulation, i.e. removal from a sexually abused sperm, must end every unfinished male se…оргазмполовой членчленполовой актсемяизвержениемужчиныженщинаэякуляция
Sexology - How is the seeding going on?SurfaceEjaculatio - Discharge, eruption; synonym - sequencing of seed fluid from urinating canal in men with sexual int…оргазмсемяизвержениемужчиныэякуляцияуретрасеменна жидкостиэякулят
Figures - 18 effective methods of delayWays to avoid rapid seedling28 causes of rapid seeding in men and ways of preventing the problem. Most of the reasons f…семяизвержениеэякуляциявремяблизостьбыстрое семяизвержениетазбыстрое семяиспусканиедевушкафиниш