The ABC of sex - Sexual issues todayProblems of sex in RussiaEarly ejaculation is the main problem of sex And the most successful work in the field of sexo…сексженщиныполовой актпреждевременная эякуляциямужчиныпсихологические проблемымужсексуальное влечениепроблемывопросы
The ABC of sex - Methods of psycho-sex correctionTreatment of a doctorThere is a time when it is not possible to treat a man without help in a white chalat, whose speci…половой актпреждевременная эякуляцияэякуляциямужчинастимуляцияженамужвремя
SpiralMy husband and I are going to have a baby. Four years ago, I was spiraled. Tell me, please, how many months after the s…зачатиеспиральребенокмужчетыре годаизвлечение спиралиспиральмаребёнок
sexHey, tell me how to sell your husband's erection, we were fine, but for almost a year it's not more than five minutes, …половой членполовой актэрекцияурологвлагалищеузимужвремя
Figures - 7 main reasons why the wife avoids sexWhy doesn't a wife want a husband?When people marry, in most cases, they are confident that their family life will be t…женщинамужчинаженамужпсихологиясупружеский сексфригидностьсексологдепрессияинтимная близостьдругсупруга
User blogs - The mystery of the first nightFirst wedding nightEven if we'd brought very detailed advice here, how we should be. To spend the first wedding night,…половой актпреждевременная эякуляцияженщинамуждевственная плевабракбрачная ночьпервая брачная ночь