Sexology - Sexual entertainment of the poorSex and povertyWe know how much less and less of the population has enjoyed. These pleasures are described in the autob…сексженщинысексуальный опытмужчиныдлина юбкиморальбракудовольствие
Sexology - Homosexualism, masturbation, oral sexHomosexualism and masturbationThe numerous observations of American men in the 1948 study make it possible to conclude …оргазмженщинымастурбациямужчиныоральный сексгомосексуализмсексологиябрак
Sex in hearts - WidowhoodWidow sex in the Middle Ages Widowhood and chastity were inseparable. Widow By definition, you didn't have sex. If it's…женщиныженщинапроституцияцеломудриеблудницыбракребёноксудвдоваубийство
Sex in hearts - Women and mothersMotherhood and marriage in the Middle AgesIn general, the social norms for the child of women Sex was raised, sex matur…сексженабракцерковьсогласие
User blogs - The mystery of the first nightFirst wedding nightEven if we'd brought very detailed advice here, how we should be. To spend the first wedding night,…половой актпреждевременная эякуляцияженщинамуждевственная плевабракбрачная ночьпервая брачная ночь