In general, the social norms for the child of women Sex was raised, sex maturity, marriage and become a mother. Women were considered more sympathetic, More than men and marriage were perceived as a socially approved means of achieving their sexual energy.
Don't. God for a sweet woman to be granted To myself. She was necessarily required by her husband. I'd drown my lipstick and my driving.
The priests often spoke at the same time. and for marriage and against him. Of course it was thought necessary... I'm sorry, but I could have been very likely to cause deep regret.
By marrying, a man gives a woman his body, and she's giving up. His soul, apart from his soul, is no more expensive in heaven. You say it sounds romantic. However, that is quite so. Contrary to the thoughts of the same Foma on corporal punishment and floors. The author is generally deprived. Preconceptions and wishes to be happy with both spouses, but then He writes a lot about sin and sin in the Socio Guide " .
And his current, Dominic preacher Thomas van Candidate born in Belgium in 1201 before As a Flemish priest, writing in his book. on vices and virtues: It's true that people who have tied themselves to difficult lives. in marriage, we find comfort in moderate joy. For it says People's wisdom, a man who hasn't repented in a year. You should wear a bell on your neck. chain.
In the Middle Ages and Canon Law and secular legislation set the same minimum age Girls for marriage - 12 years - approximately the same as sex. Of course, puberty, purely individual, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Boys were allowed to marry Fourteen years.
Most marriages were arranged by parents, and it was extremely difficult to avoid after agreement. Married. To reassure daughters who refused to marry their chosen one, they often used to To a tactic of strong hands. Then medieval women Unfavourable marriages were rarely revoked, but complaints were heard in the courts More and more. In general, the marriage was cancelled if it was by deception and in the event of blood between spouses, husband ' s impotence or particularly ill-treatment of wife, even though husbands encouraged them moderately punish.
In the fifteenth century, some Catherine McKeski, Irish, originally Against being married to John Cusack, desperate. She asked the judges to dissolve her marriage to him. In 1436. brought witnesses to court, who under oath showed that The relatives forced Katherine to be engaged by cruel and repeated beatings, and she was clearly told of her suffering throughout the marriage.
In other words, her consent to take John's husband at the altar can count as voluntary, as the consent of a person at risk of refusing to be literal I mean, dead. Catherine's marriage is broken. I have to say, nothing strengthens marriage more than the birth of a heir (and more than a few) that gave a woman. double bonus in the form of defending her interests upon reaching of honorable age. A married woman has occupied a much higher position in a medieval society, It's not like we're married. She had assets and responsibilities. She was considered someone. The notion of marital debt meant that marriage and sex go hand in hand.
In the thirteenth century, Cardinal Enrico Hostiensis explained that: The husband's moral duty to sexually satisfy her wife, so she wouldn't have the tempt to break down the path of trueness and to take another man to bed.
First marriages were almost anywhere, But then the church decided it wasn't going anywhere, interfered and set a bunch of rules. About when you can't. A combination of marriage, coupled with other instructions; Advent and Grand Post periods were the most prohibited. And the rules on who marriage can and cannot be coupled with, there were so many, and they were mainly concerned with cases of too close kinship. For example, if marriage is not as good as I was hoping for a couple, one of the spouses sometimes suddenly... In time, I remembered that they were with their wife (or husband) tied to blood ties and, to their great regret, their union. We must dissolve.
Judging by court records, To us from that era, it often worked, Even though no future spouse is married I don't know why I didn't pay much attention.
Girls from a peasant and crafted constituency were married a little later than the nobles who were considered to be ready for marriage, barely physically. capable of producing progeny (or before). Someone. They were at a very low age.
In the thirteenth century, within the framework of the peace agreement concluded between King Joanne Landless and Family de Poatou, we announced a four-year-old Joanna. Her younger sister, who later became Countess Eleanor, was married to the English Earl of William Marshall, Jr. When she was nine.
Regrettably, the sad fate of the 12-year-old Maria de Bogun, born in 1369. In the 1380s, a girl was married to the future King Henry IV Bolinbrok, and she was married. died pregnant with a sixth child in Peterborough Castle In 1394; as terrible as that, the poor was then all Twenty-four years.
Six pregnancies, it's hard to imagine. Although it was only when a girl was married Twelve years, the church allowed them to be engaged. 7 years old. It was allegedly done by agreement The parties, but it is known that most of the children at this age do what their parents think is right, and because engagements have often taken place without special problems.
So far, we have no record of conversations between us. Mothers and daughters on this subject, but any parent knows that a seven-year-old girl would agree that you are. You need to press the right buttons. Marjorie's almost six. Mother and dad picked up a potentially beneficial party, the son of a rich neighbor. Sam Margeri Also the heir of great possessions, and both parents. is highly interested in this marriage. The dowry is agreed. The date of marriage has been set.
If the marriage is contrary The wish of the parties, or too soon, could be proved, I don't think he's valid. We know that because of the others. before us the judicial protocols that challenged the age of the marriage, usually the bride. But if both sides reached the right age and agreed to marriage, which means It's okay. It's done by the rules, and the marriage vows. It's a good idea.
Agnes from York
Sometimes, in particular, if it looked like a couple intended to be betrayed by dams, but they were prevented by a third. On the side, the marriage was pretty fast. However, The oaths were considered valid only if correctly pronounced. Like, "I'll take you." "I definitely don't mean "I'm taking you right now" - a misbehaviour that was clearly not meant to allow Alice, when she ran into Robert and Agnes, unconnected, naked and clearly inventing something. It's a generosity in her own house.
The minefield was also a sufficient age for consent. The documentation in those far-reaching times was inextricably done, and sometimes the exact age of the bride was not possible. One way to annul unwanted marriage It was to simply say that the bride at the time of marriage had not reached the age of marriage and that the union was therefore null and void. Usually tried. Avoid the marriage of a man, but in one known We're talking about a young, but very determined woman who tried to gather enough witnesses. and by them to insist that her marriage be recognized valid.
The way to recall the date of birth by association with another personal or church event in a medieval society was actively used. Watching the days of the week or the month was pretty hard at that time, but the church kept scrupulous recordings of all its holidays and other events, and that allowed for relatively It's easy to remember what happened a few days before or after one of them. There was another way to build on the memory of potential witnesses if I don't think he's gonna give a gift to a man. He'll be forgotten.
We are most aware of the early marriages of royal or other noble families in cases where one From the parties, the parties were fiercely and immediately opposed to marriage and expressed their protests loudly and publicly. Good example Child marriage is a small, but very wealthy Margaret Bofort.
Margaret Bofort was born in May 1441 or 1443 in England. and married a few times, which tells us something about her. Origin, and so to speak, The bride. In 1450, after her father died and she died She went to the Duke of Suffolk William de la Paula, She was married to John Paul. It was so convenient that William John's son, Alone, too, at the right moment, allegedly looking for his wife. Seven-year-old Margaret had no right to vote on this issue, Like her husband, at least seven years old, they were about the same. And no one. He wasn't looking for his wife. The initiative came exclusively from his father. According to other documents, Margaret. At the time of her first marriage, there was no more. Three years. In any case, three years after detention His marriage was terminated. Marriage was not consumed, So it turned out to be relatively simple.
And two years later, when Margaret was 12, she consented to the marriage of 20 to 4 years old. Edmund Tudor. Outside in Edmund was all she could. Looking for a girl in her husband, but we don't know anything about his attitude to marry a 12-year-old girl. Soon after their marriage, there was a war and Edmund. died from the plague. Thirteen-year-old Margaret, 7 months of pregnancy, became a widow. She's a baby. I had a very young birth, and she had no more kids. The births are likely to be difficult and in the process of Margaret of mid-point. a serious injury. Well, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. her attractiveness in the eyes of other grooms.
Her third marriage, with Sir Henry Stafford, was annulled because of the very close connection between them. She had a triple brother, although at the time of the union, it was not a big problem for anyone, so her wealth had led churchmen to look at the case. different angle. By twenty-eight years, Margaret was widowed for the second time, but still required on the marriage market and soon married the fourth time, For Thomas Stanley.
Already in the fourth marriage, she gave a vow of chastity. and survived the rest of my life, avoiding sex decisively. Most The whole thing about Margaret is like the mother of King Henry VII. And the grandma of King Henry VIII of England on my father's line. She is primarily perceived as a woman, daughter, wife, Mother and grandmother.
Avoiding sex in marriage was extremely difficult, as the notion of marital duty is that husband or a wife has the right to claim a second half of the physical intimacy, and refusal has often led to offenses. In such a situation, the phrase " I shall not accept the rejection " was generally used, even for a young person aged 12 years.