Widowhood and chastity were inseparable. Widow By definition, you didn't have sex. If it's produced The remaining villagers or towns were seen to condemn her resolutely and a good reputation for the widow. In the Middle Ages, she was very important, so easy to wash. They didn't.
In addition, she had more important classes in her life to fight against unsuitable but sometimes. persistent fiancé, raising children, managing cases to earn a decent living.
Widows were usually targeted Remarriage, as it is clear that leaving a woman You can't take care of her. She must be controlled. man. In addition, many widows owned significant assets that would be better looked at in the groom's briefcase.
A widowed mid-century woman who had not sought new marriage was often difficult to avoid marriage. 1130 In England, all rich widows and orphans were taken to treasury The registry, and the King could " give them away " at his discretion, Guided primarily by considerations of benefit from the creation of alliances that are financially successful and where Less prospects for personal happiness and comfort for women or children. Young heirs was also considered as a required movable property other than people with their desires and feelings.
If a woman had the necessary means, she could. Get out of the register and stay unmarried. It would sound like A terrible but real compromise, if it weren't for one nail, usually the price of the ransom was so high that the widow It was required to sell the lion ' s share of the property, As a result, she became poor and needed a husband, I don't know what to do.
Widow Gibscott of Lincoln
The Middle Ages had to protect and maintain their reputation, but they were tried from time to time. for inappropriate behavior. Most of them, however. We'd call it unserious today. Prosecution of gossip at first sight seems to be excessive, But you should not forget that a good name was at that time. very much, and the slander could destroy a woman.
One record stored in the Lincoln archives In England, it says: The Widow Gibscott is always clinging to his neighbors.
Two more women, Agnes Horton and Joan Whitescal didn't dust each other either. and finally brought to justice for calling- which are likely to be in charge of all permissible framework.
Agnes Horton and Joan Whitescail from Brilla
Among the defamation claims for 1505 retained In the archives of the Bakingham Archdiocese Courts, we find Agnes and Joan trial not to disturb public order by Calling.
1505. Agnes Horton of Brill and Joan Whitescail. From Brill's parish. He was summoned to court officially on charges of One calls another " whore slut " , on the contrary. It is clear that there was no special love between the two women, and it is only possible to imagine what circumstances have led them to end up in court. There is no mention in the document of whether the women were married. And that you've brought them to life.
widow Coll from Oxford
In another rare case, we're familiar with the do- war, which has been treated with extraordinary sanctity to unmarried pregnant women.
But instead, to ensure that it is universally recognized for such a dignified She was complained to the court. In her case, stored in the archives of the Oxford Church of the Holy Petra le Bailey, clearly states: The widow Coll takes care of pregnant women in her home.
In the document before us as a minimum of not a word for punishment or a fine, That a good widow was probably released with an indication Stop its activities.
Abstinence and monarchy are one of the most accessible. options for women who do not want to marry The widow could also give the vow of the chastity - to decide seriously to remain chastity and to promise it. In front of witnesses.
Not necessarily. To meet in a nun or go to a monastery... Publicly vow through a relatively simple process. All they wanted was a bishop, a ring, a cape, a nali-- I'm sorry. Episcop, I see, ran the ceremony and blessed. The ring that the widow was supposed to wear on her finger without taking it off. Since the widow was supposed to be wearing modestly, no specific pay requirements were made.
In the Middle Ages, married women and older women Most places of age were wool and bait; this is There was a mandatory element of clothing for them. In fact, giving a vow, Widows continued to dress the same way.
Very religious virgins could have gone to the approved Church of the monastery community, women ' s monastery or similar institution, and stay there far from the outside world and attacks on potential husbands. Servant The Lords held the same high position in society, Like virgins. The monks entered the spiritual marriage, and modern men, he seemed as real as he was. dam. It's just that they weren't under the guardianship of a dying man, but, to say, heaven, that is, God. He is. In every sense, they were their heavenly fiancé, and the information he gave him. both were considered as not less serious and mandatory execution.
In fact, the nuns were in custody. and the power of a woman who was referred to as a guardian or Abbatisa; she managed the monastery and took care of the spiritual well-being of the women who lived there. The master demanded that they be absolutely cumbersome - what was done. with a change success. If a woman joined a religious community relatively late and in the past had intimate ties, She wasn't a virgin in a straightforward sense, but she could be considered a virgin who was reborn as a bride. Christ. That's a fantastic logic of nuns. treated the same category as unmarried, which means I'm sure you're a real virgin.
Bloods and unmarried mothers
Despite the rigid social design that determined who could have intimate connections and who did not, In the Middle Ages, they had sex before marriage. If an unmarried woman wasn't a virgin, because I don't know if it was someone's mistress, a prostitute or something. It's just a woman of light behavior, she's faced. Not only with the evil gossip of the local ladies, but also with the blatant utter disdain for themselves, the host of such heinous life decisions.
The woman decided to risk and get pregnant outside of marriage. It was considered highly irresponsible. Behaviour.
Unmarried pregnancy was a real problem. A child born out of wedlock could be inherited only after being born at the age of marriage. Your own legitimate child. No inheritance. No property. No money. No dowry. No titles. An extra-mortal child was not entitled What, especially because of this, society despised unmarried women who dared to lead privacy. Not because of the inability to hold I mean, in the past, sexual desires, which, of course, was also considered It is terrible, and because of the wildest lack of commitment to protect its potential child and to ensure its future. In addition, a woman who is unable to refuse sex Before the bonding of marriage, the result could not be Accommodation of a good old age; it was also considered It's not easy.
A medieval woman who was pregnant outside of marriage, There were several options for action. The three most common ones are getting married and making pregnancy legal; Put a child in a family or a religious institution; hide your disgrace by secretly getting rid of the baby.
First special hospitals for the reception of abandoned The children opened in Italy at the beginning of the thirteenth century and the churches received them almost from the time of their arrival. Institute.
In the event of an unbelievable luck, the illegitimate child was supported by his father, providing him with his or her blood. He could never marry a woman, but at least Their kid had a roof over his head, food on the table, and everything. necessary for life. More than that, sometimes the child gets education, and later, he was picked up by a party and arranged marriage.
Child Residue
An unwanted child, a woman could give someone or Just throw away somewhere. It wasn't considered murder, 'Cause at that point, the baby was alive and always kept. The hope that someone will find him and grow up. Unfortunately, most of these babies were the first to find wild ones. animals.
The baby that the wild animal took. To date, several documents of the medieval English courts have been issued concerning this topic. Looks like it. The practice was widespread, although on the state and emotions Mothers are very rarely mentioned.
Little Leeki's mother from Serflit
A very sad 1519 case of an unmarried mother remained in the Lincoln archive in the documents. A visiting church court. We don't know how old we were. Mothers and what circumstances caused her pregnancy; we only know she couldn't raise the baby herself. It reads as follows: Serflit. From a newborn boy at Thomas Liki's door refused, although the mother of the child claimed that Thomas Leekie was his Father. Thomas himself, however, denied it, took the child to different places, mistreated him and eventually died. Since the child was still taken, he was in the care of his mother. I didn't. Why not? The report does not indicate where the boy was taken and taken. How much for us. You know, in a nursing hospital, usually. I've been looking good. In the end, we only know that a child died because of a lack of care, and clearly, His mother didn't get any psychological support.
Alice Mortin from Blossomville
Some women remain unsupported My father was a kid, just throwing a baby on the street, giving it to himself. Buckingham courts In 1497, the following case was recorded in the village Newton-Blossomville:
Alice Mortin gave birth to a child in the house of a priest, But the father of the child is unknown, and they say, right after birth. Alice hid a baby on the marshes, where he died of hunger. and cold.
To our days There are many records of unmarried women who were pregnant when they served in the homes of priests, guests and other clergy. Alice's age is not mentioned in the document, but in any case, If you decide to take your newborn baby and leave it there, because the others are acceptable. There's no way, it must have been difficult. Well, there's still a chance, though. And it's very tiny that someone will find a child by accident. And he will.
But even such a chance was denied to unwanted children, whose mothers decided on the most radical option-- Robbery. Killing a living breathing human being creatures are a grave sin, not easily understood. Each of the three options -- abandonment, pushing, murder -- demanded not only that the mother himself committed immoral actions; intervention was needed A trusted man who would help the child to be born. And it's a risk of exposure, and it'll happen if it doesn't, I'm late for confession.
In the Middle Ages, the practice of physical recovery was known. From an unwanted child and, of course, very harshly punished. Deto-kills were like murder, almost. always, except for one unusual trial in Europe of the fourteenth century, the records of which were received until our time.
Unnamed woman
An unnamed woman was arrested in an attempt to drown In the river of his newborn child. Case dealt Twenty-four jurors, all men. After all, they concluded that the woman was not guilty In the case of child murder:
There's no way a woman can be punished. Because she was the one who gave birth. The boy has the right to dispose of it as she wants. So she can kill him or dump him on death because Everyone is free to do what belongs to him or her, He or she wants to.
Elizabeth Nelson from Pollongton
In most cases, the pregnancy has not been concealed; A woman was exposed sooner or later, and she was exposed. universal condemnation. One option (not particularly successful) in such a situation was to give up on the mi- The lie of the church.
The Church was obliged to offer asylum from punishment under civil law to anyone who requests assistance, but only for forty days. After that, the man is from were taken, if necessary, forcible, and most often I was in the hands of the authorities. Of the records kept in the temple Beverly (Anglia) and dated 1511, we're learning about some Elizabeth who fled and had no others. options other than:
March 12, King Henry VIII. Elizabeth Nelson From Pollongton, in York County, unmarried, To the mercy of St. John's Church in Beverly, confessing to a criminal offence, murdering his child in Hall. She swore.
In many cases, asylum-seekers in the church After the expiry of the deadline, they were hiding in the night and left the county or the country. We don't know what happened. With Elisabeth, when the forty-day deadlines were over; All we know is that she got pregnant unmarried and that she was pregnant. We've been hunting for child suicide. Theoretically, if a woman I've been very worried about my sin and sincerely repented, She could have shouted at the nuns and spent the rest of her life. In the prayers for forgiveness.