Homosexualism, masturbation, oral sex

Homosexualism, masturbation, oral sex

Homosexualism and masturbation

The numerous observations of American men in the 1948 study make it possible to conclude that widows and divorces are usually divorced. continue to lead sexual life despite regulations and prohibitions That's it. A single American man usually follows a pattern of behaviour of a married man and a married man. 80% satisfies their desires in heterosexual relations. The remaining 20 per cent is met by masturbation, erotic dreams, and very young widows and divorced young bachelors sometimes find links with their sex. Kinsey is infinite. produces statistics that in the eyes of moral jealousy seem to be flagrant violations.

He speaks of what is called " scum " , " repudiation " , " discardment " , as usual, and refuses to divide the male population of the United States. Heterosexuals and Heterosexuals prefer to speak of the propensity characteristic of Men at a certain age. Kinsey sets a scale of seven Steps where the sex life of a man develops. The zero mark corresponds to exclusive heterosexuality, mark 6 is exclusive homosexuality, mark 3 is bisexual behaviour of more than one third of the white respondents, namely 37 per cent, have “though a few experiences of homosexual contact reaching orgasm during the period between adolescence and old age. "

Similarly, some 50 per cent of bachelors over 35 years have at least entered into a same-sex relationship several times. Education plays an extremely important role: the level of graduates rises to 58 per cent and the number of people who have not been educated after leaving adolescents. There were only 4 per cent of the same-sex connections (Evelok Ellis, at the beginning of the century, spoke of 2— 3 %). However, if the distance between 16 and 55 years is broken for a three-year period, then it will be possible In each age cutting, 8 per cent of persons had same sex contacts. Otherwise, for now. young man, " nature " , i.e. dam desires, takes precedence over " culture " , i.e. above and then the matrimonial ideal becomes increasingly binding. There is an analogy to the European Old Order, where male nerds, theoretically condemned to abstinence, enjoyed the tacit consent of society, but after marriage, their behaviour must have changed dramatically.

In the 1953 study, Kinsey makes a comment on the unusually strict laws enacted in some states of America. As in the sixteenth century, some types of sexual behaviour: " Sodomy, courage, perverted and unnatural relations, crimes against the family " , amount to violence against the person and are punished accordingly. In only one state, New York, such acts do not criminalize " if committed between adults, in private with mutual consent. " Such establishments are accepted in Scandinavia and others European countries

The North American culture of the mid-20th century can be considered the most repressive of Western culture.

To declare it, I mean, Much courage was required to address the issue prohibited by all faiths, courts and public morals. Even a tiny stone thrown into a pond of conformism, that is The attitude towards masturbation has caused anxiety, unsettled today. The 1948 study found that around 99% of boys between 8 and 12 years Masturbate, and 92 per cent of the male population are transported separately from time to time to orgasm.

Exceptions are socially low.

There's no masturbation, Because the first heterosexual contact is usually very early. Except The one who doesn't use masturbations by those who have nightly eruptions. Total Data are similar to European data: it is found that in Europe averages between 85 up to 96% men. However, in the United States, masturbation lies with the taboo and, as Kinsey reminds, not Each of the respondents would dare to admit that they are exposed to the " handshake " , especially among people with low education This attitude towards masturbation is likely to come back to that universal condemnation, The fears of masturbation have arisen when a Christian sin is made to believe that the loss of precious seed fluid poses a threat to both the individual and the society in the world. in general. Just mentioning masturbation leads to knowledge of its own guilt, embarrassment, alert. That's why most interviewees didn't answer the question sincerely. If they're masturbating. It may have been an unconscious reaction of people: hostile to any form of extramarital sexuality, residents produce some automatic reflexes, and Kinsey takes this factor into account. It's impossible to recognize or punish the Graham of the Hand. The New York Booktaking is a curious occasion to assess the depth of the problem. Room 8 April 2004 the cover of the self-declaration book, a review of which I've been printed in a magazine. Two years earlier, the author of the book was invited to Harvard to report on his research. Forthcoming report and discussion on it They caused some panic among teachers and educators. The meeting to address the masturbation crisis was held in a fever and tense atmosphere. One of the curators said that conscience prevented him from recommending this to students. a book and even attend the report. The State of Massachusetts has a certain range of views. At the end of 2003, it was here that the Supreme Court issued a law authorizing, since 17 May 2004, the official marriage of same sex. It was the first such thing. The legislative initiative in the United States, and it gave rise to sharp criticism by non-conservatives. Harvard University, one of the most prestigious in the country, has a reputation as a scientific institution willing to discuss acute problems. Even so, This university has made a report on masturbation unusually overfishing, so strong. The tendency to default in the United States culture as a whole.

The 1953 report on women ' s sexuality states that 62 per cent of women masturbate Several times in life, but only 58 per cent can achieve orgasm. With age, women masturbate more often. On the one hand, this is because the possibility of sexual intercourse is decreasing, but on the other hand, Kinsey notes that Maybe when women get older, erotic sensitivity increases. The most significant conclusion of Kinsey, very quickly adopted by those who defended their right In an orgasm, it was argued that masturbation did not harm the sexual relationship. partners. The survey showed that the wife was less than the husbands. A sexual act. Among the reasons for this phenomenon, 36 per cent of women have never had sex before marriage, whether full-time or " petting " , same-sex or masturbation. The quality of conjugal sex is closely linked to the fact that If the woman reached orgasm before marriage.

31 to 37 per cent of those who never masturbated or masturbated received satisfaction otherwise, unable to reach orgasm during the first year, but That's five years of marriage. Of those masturbating before marriage, only 13-16 per cent do not receive Satisfaction from marriage. However, women ' s self-fulfilment is very diverse: 84 per cent (as against) 95 per cent of men have sex, 20 per cent have vaginal penetration, 15 per cent tightly squeeze the straws, leading to orgasm, and 2 per cent receive satisfaction from the imaginary act, which is very rare for men.

What's hidden from the eye

Men receive satisfaction from sexual intercourse in almost 100 per cent of cases, and women are only 70 to 77 per cent. About two thirds of the loved ones interviewed are between four and three. 22 minutes, 22 per cent longer and 11 per cent less than 3 minutes. The most common position was a partner in top partner, but the 1953 report noted that Women often prefer two other positions: men (45 per cent) or side (31 per cent).

Other data also indicate that there is a particular sensitive culture that runs counter to generally accepted norms. 90 per cent of respondents from higher levels of society Regular sexual intercourse and full exposure and even males They prefer to sleep naked. For people with low-income or low-educated populations, a sign of bad tone or even indecency. They prefer Don't be naked in a sexual act. Maybe that's why I'm late. The influence of the Victorian perceptions on the lower levels of society, while the elite seeks to embrace other values and to separate from ordinary people. General prohibition of public Nagot is still very strong in American culture, unlike European and especially European culture. Scandinavian countries.

Hollywood films must abide by very strict rules. Scenarios Violence, bloodshed, heroes and intervals in American films the highest possible control before they are allowed to procate to the general public.

Films with scenes of apparent violence, misconduct, drug and alcohol use and sexual impurities are provided with a R-litre. For example, Dogville Larsa von Trier received Liter R in 2004 for violence and sexuality, and Quentin Tarantino ' s Killa-2 for violence, misconduct and sexual abuse. drug use. Sometimes the liter is added to the lyrics: for example, films with light sexual intercourses, frivolous epitets and gross humor receive PG lithors (in 2004 they were given by the Hal Carson Liwayne novel. The Cinderella variation has given such an assessment for gross humor and frivolous epitets.
Liters and figures PG-13 provide adult films with gross sexual humor, scenes of unworthy (e.g. Sociedka with Emil) Hirsham or Good Road with Gérard DePardier.

Kinsey, in two of his reports, emphasized that since the mid-twenty-first century, society has been affected. Divorce. The sex life of the poor Americans is very different from the sexuality. The poor: the poor seek greater freedom and a variety of erotic pleasures. Petting is often practised by both men and women. By explaining their attachment to the retting, interviewees most often say they've learned from friends. or from books, how much erotic stimulus is needed during the situation.

90-96 % men I mean, I mean, I don't know what I mean. Social origin is less likely to resort to such loopholes (75-79%). Report 1948 Years are given, but no comment is given on the busy observation: more women from the people They reach orgasm during the act, although their partners rarely resort to rallies. ♪ In turn, women from the people rarely touch male sexes (57 per cent). Kinsey observes inaccurately that, among this population, a normal sexual act is considered - it's penetration. Thus, partners of different social origins They use different kinds of masks. Sexy classes are hunting each other. And the poor and the workers don't appreciate the erotic games. The clients believe, That the kiss of the sucker, where the partners come into contact with languages, and it's very erotic (87 per cent) and the lower classes think it's a dirty habit and that's how it works. grab some disease.

With regard to the kiss in the lips and the petting, a deep connection was very clear. between sexuality and the cultural tradition of childhood. Kiss your lips. In the art of love ever since. In the nineteenth century for workers and middle class, became a sign of unhealthy sexuality, which is characteristic of horny aristocracies. U.S. For the 1950s, only lovers who kiss at the top of the social pyramid are kissed by the pump. and the ability to kiss is thus perceived as a sign of attention to erotic The demands and needs of a loved person. Small classes avoid kissing like that, However, this is not so much a distorting partner's mouth, but a desire to demonstrate special courage as a distinctive sign of his own. In the sixteenth century There were many of the villagers of Memersette petting.

Only women refused. of noble origin and rich peasants: they have emphasized their Puerto Rican people integrity and unlike others. Such facts cannot be assessed in terms of an absolute and permanent morality. The forms of sweetness change, adapt to the moral code of conduct of a social group. They depend on many factors: gender, age, social origin of partners. What gives pleasure to one, others consider shameless. Sexual behavior often becomes a sign of membership of a social group and is linked to I'm trying to give myself something like that.

In the American elite, the desire to riot against Laws and regulations. People from the people have therefore decided that it is. They are responsible for the observance of traditions and morality, as opposed to backwarders. The war on cultures began well before the 1990s. The roots go to a long-standing antagonistic relationship based on religious, economic and educational differences. In the early 2000s, the breakdown was particularly clear. The arguments were made. About same-sex marriages, abortions and permitted erotic games. Differences, however, were based on deep mutual misunderstandings between those who wanted to preserve existing moral norms and prohibitions at any cost and those who sought to circumvent them.

Among others The latter, usually people with money and education, are not too afraid of judicial sanctions or public reprimands. We'll remember that the lubricant exchange between the elbows. In most states, non-marriagers were considered a crime in the 1950s, especially if partners resorted to too frank or oral-genital. Noodles. In order to bring a case, there was enough report from dissolved parents. and witness neighbours. In Oregon, any " silt " game with STIs is considered a crime against nature. It's the same thing in Arizona, where there's a reason. A " unnatural " touch may be used to prosecute another person. In many states, contact with penis or vagina is punishable either as a sodomy or as a " crime against of Nature

Oral spousal sex is also prohibited by laws and regulations Many states. Sometimes spouses are actually criminalized. This is: Neighbors ask children what their parents do and report on " innocent child words " . By the middle of the twentieth century, the fear of such doses was still so strong, That most of the respondents seem to have just failed to admit that they're doing it. Oral sex. However, fear has gradually begun, and by the end of the 1980s, around 90 per cent of respondents, both married and single, admitted that they were using Oral sex.

Women sometimes complained that men were too fond of having " sucked "

The remarkable work done by Kinsey and his colleagues is clear I found the ideal paradigm of American sexuality as it was in 1950: Heterosexual couple and nothing else! Based on such a system values are prohibited from any kind relationship. Otherwise, it's in Europe, where in Nowadays, the doctors consider good sexual relations to be good for the individual, for society at large. In Europe, there are also no different kinds of choices " non-normal " penetration that does not lead to conception. The U.S. Adulter's being pursued, Particularly strict laws have been enacted in the north-east.

In the study Kinsey ' s groups record a variety of deviations, which produces a strong impression on the reader. The pressure to break the rules makes the movement more understandable. for the gap with traditional values, moral and judicial establishments that emerged in the United States in the 1960s, particularly in California. Exactly. There was a classic division of the United States into two opposing camps. Today ' s war culture " is not only religious or political in nature; it is the most involved. Various factors, in particular those related to matrimonial ties and free dam relations. Heterosexual couple ' s supporters are opposed to " rebels " who publicly claim their rights and demand that was previously considered " Greek " , " waiver " , an offence, or a crime, It's been treated as something quite ordinary. By the beginning of the third millennium, This confrontation affects the difference between North American culture and European where The proponents of traditional morality have long been in a minority, although they sometimes raise their voice against abortion or contraception.

Dual sexual standard

It is difficult to answer the question why Americans, in their laws and morals, are so committed to the ideal of couples as the only sexuality allowed. Kinsey has proved without difficulty that real behaviour goes far beyond a repressive theory. Some prohibitions are systematically violated by almost all, and I don't know why they still stand. This is mainly the case of masturbation and restrictions for bachelors, widows and divorces: in reality, single people lead nowhere. Less active sexuality than those who are married. It can be assumed that the contradiction between ideal and reality lies at the heart of the American model of sexuality. conduct in general. Maybe the key to the mishap lies in the idea of the late confrontation between Drob and Zla? What if the path to the stability of society lies through clashes, where there are no real winners or real winners?

'Cause conservatives, Whatever they say publicly, they have to accept changes in the matrimonial system. values, and those who are cumbersome to say no to them, end up dying. Its existence, especially since, in reality, violators of the regulations in this area are rarely punished. In a country where, theoretically, the country is extremely strict In practice, freedom of conduct prevails, and a form of silence has been established Truce between conflicting parties. It can be said that the United States has a double sexual standard. Naturally, in the country of Uncle Sam, in the heart of democracy, any principle applies to all, including women, non-traditional and marginalized. Single Heterosexual couples are the pre-emptive standard of sexual life, with partners It is the duty to seek the conception of a child, not to his own pleasure. But yet, Everyone can choose a sex life of their own taste in a silent arrangement. This arrangement has been approved after many battles of oppressed groups over the years their rights: racial in the 1960s-1970s, feminist and, most recently, homosexual. As early as 1948, Kinsey acknowledged that young people are almost everywhere in the world. It's a sex pleasure.

It's not like gays and lesbians are supposed to be counting. Their normal human beings, and their legal recognition and even marriage, which was done in 2004 in the State of Massachusetts. The two men ' s standard of Victorian Europe included links with women light behavior. Kinsey found that in the lives of Americans they occupied a significant place. The 1948 study found that 69 per cent of white men had contacted several times. With prostitutes. However, he commented only on the behaviour of 31 per cent of respondents, never with similar contacts, as well as a few permanent clients of prostitutes who With age, borrowing is increasingly used. Men of the previous generation, as Kinsey writes, attended special institutions more frequently. They weren't just looking for them. satisfying erotic needs, but also the opportunity to relax and even relax I want you to know what you need. Kinsey concludes that the softness of prostitutes for Men have declined, which is probably related to the improvement of the cultural level, as well as to the improvement of the cultural level. Certain legislative measures taken against the sale of love. Together The report shows remarkable data: in a city with a population of 100,000 men Prostitutes visit 3190 times a week. Clearly, there's some police action here. No offense. Streamlined and sometimes contradictory responses suggest that the double standard still exists and even covers much wider. A sex field than before. Let's see how hard it is, morals. And social, there's a man when it's time to leave young riots and sales. and enter into marriage. Behind the boys' masturbation. and same-sex games (approximately one third of boys); a young man is ready to be the custodian of the sacred values of matrimonial matrimony. And it turns out that in the marriage, he's being protected by new ones. Prohibitions, particularly oral sex and position under a woman. Until our days, generations have been in double occipitations for generations, and this has sometimes led to some sort of disintegration. On the one hand, young people are told that only marriage is possible Impossible sensation, and bachelors, regardless of age, should not engage in carnage. But on the other hand, they see that single men live. The same saturated sexual life as married.

The system was particularly shy for women, and it was women that ended up in the end. raised the question of its insolvency. It happened after the women found out, That their orgasms are significantly different from men.