Sexology - The Birth of pornographyPornographic literature Pornographic literature appeared in the sixteenth century and rapidly gained popularity. It was…порнографиясексологияпорнографическая литературакнигаанглияфранцияроль
Sexology - Opening of the women ' s orgasmOrgasm of women The Kinsey report was an extensive collective study. It's hard to overestimate that one. The role play…женщинымастурбациявибраторысладострастиеженский оргазмконтрацепциясексологиякинси
Sexology - Homosexualism, masturbation, oral sexHomosexualism and masturbationThe numerous observations of American men in the 1948 study make it possible to conclude …оргазмженщинымастурбациямужчиныоральный сексгомосексуализмсексологиябрак
Sexology - Kinsey's report is a sex bomb.Sexual revolutionSixtieth were of particular importance in both Europe and North America. There have been tremendous c…мастурбациясексологиякинскисексуальные отношения с животнымивекзаконевропа
Sex in hearts - Bloods.Secondary prostitution With prostitution in the Middle Ages, it's complicated. On the one hand, the woman who became a…женщиныженщинасексологияпроституцияпроституткисекс за деньгиблудницыбордель