The ABC of sex - Blowjob techniqueMinuteMine detector Minet (French Mintte is a cat, synonyms: irrumatio, fellatio, felatorism, penislictio, penislmngus,…женщиныпенисмужчиныженщинамошонкаязыкротгубы
The ABC of sex - Oral sexOral sexSTIs tend to be treated as dirty, but hygiene ensures that they are clean. Moreover, it can be noted that many …женщинысмегмамужчиныполовые органыспермаязыкоральный сексрот
The ABC of sex - Anatomy of oral loopsAnatomy of oral loopsRoth (voice)Anatomy of oral loops The mouth is divided into the so-called verb of mouth and the mo…минетязыкоральный сексроторальные ласкиполость ртаслизистая оболочкафункция