Comment text

Ustin3 years, 10 months

It is possible that many men can benefit from modern oral preparations for the treatment of erectile dysfunctions, which are designed to restore a natural response to sexual initiation and the treatment of violations of the erection of the different genes.

I've been advised, after not very effective use of prolongers. Syldenafil-SZ was appointed so he could do it many times. The first time is a little short, but then it's longer.

Comment to the page "Medical methods"

Medical methodsMedical methods Medical treatment of premature seedingThe treatment of diseases that have led to premature ejaculation is one of the main methods of prolonging male sexual acts and treating premature seedlings.Treatment of diseasesAmong the diseases most commonly referred to are sexually transmitted diseases, sugar diabetes, prostate, hyperplasia of progeny, systemic atherosclerosis, thyroid diseases, hormonal imbalances, depletion and … More detailed...