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Маруся Климова4 years, 8 months

I wonder if research shows that men attach more value to their penis than their partners.
As a rule, more important to a woman partner, be soft and caring.
The idea that for women, the priority in sex is not so accurate. During the sexual act, the vagina is attached to the penis of its partner, the deepening, expansion and lubrication during sexual initiation, so in this sense the size is not so important. In addition, Less penis is often preferable to oral and anal sex.

Comment to the page "Fat or long?"

Fat or long?Fat or long? Fat or long memberFat penisThe fatal penis affects all reflex-genic areas, which gives rise to a strong erogenic impulse designed to give women higher pleasure. The large size of the penis ensures deep penetration in any position and effects on the cervix of the uterus. If the owner of such a fallo has a fat, … More detailed...