Dishcomfort in urine bubble
If the analyses (DNC-PCR, rather than a mere flora smear) after the pharmacological provocation, the sterile, no extended, steep and adenoms on the SLM- there is a hyperactive bladder. Also, these symptoms are observed in the aseptic, abacterial chronic prostate. We hope you didn't forget to examine yourself as a sex partner and no hidden sexual infections. Sustained, abacterial prostate can lead to seating, unregulated sexuality and the abuse of food in the rich extraactive substances. The hyperactive bladder occurs under chronic stress, underspending, lack of vitamins of group B.
At the BIONIS Medical Centre, New City 25, Moscow City, the patient ' s hospital is in the course of physiotherapy, which includes the effects of several physical factors. In the bathing suit, it creates a synergistic effect to restore normal inertia of the urine bubble walls and microcirculation of the small pelvis of a man.
The BIONIS Medical Center works without weekends and holidays, which is very convenient for working patients. You can sign up for the reception on 8 (499) 200 11 35; 8 (495) 222 67 03. 24 hours a day, 774 81 56. There's a home parking lot on 15 machines, which is very convenient for patients behind the wheel. Always happy to help you.