Yeah, but the gynaecologist's got no female vagina. And with a sexual act, usually the opposite. Accordingly, it has been expanded and extended.
Women ' s physiology is such that their vagina has the properties of being elastic, and therefore the size of a male member is irrelevant because it is always about the same size. Even after the birth, the vagina is recovering in its diameter in a month! That's it!
You don't have to compare women on the Constitution, It is a pleasure for any woman to enjoy (simply to stimulate erogenic zones) any constitution, but to give a true, sweet age, argozmical exhaussis(s) to her parents, an eczesyntic boom, it is also necessary to know the sexuality of a woman from childhood/sexual relationship between a man and a woman.
Maybe there's a situation where your partner lived and lives in search of a male aggressor who's gonna punish her with a girl who's still a girl (which is usually a woman who's always dehydrated) by not finding a trade-off in the search for a congestive bleed of her body, but by a "glunt" infiltration into her, and by that sort of " ♪ ♪ Most women want to infiltrate themselves, intense, confident, independent of their spatial status and the erection of their partner, etc.... and all these searches for compromises: how to say "usi-pusy" as to lie like a slope where to kiss, with or without a fellation, with or without a Kunilingus or without a woman, she's going away in search of water.
One of the myths criticized by doctors is the view that the depth and breadth of women ' s vagina depend on sexual activity: the more partners, the more it is. In fact, women are born with vaginas completely different in depth, which is the same nature as a male member, explains gynaecologists. Doctors deny the relationship between women ' s growth and the size of her vagina.
Of course, high-ranking women tend to have large numbers. However, even with an increase of 170 cm and above, the vagina may be small, women of low growth, vice versa. In the practice of gynaec obstetricians, less than 150 cm are known as " inchs " , where the depth of the vagina reaches 11 to 14 cm and, on the contrary, very high ladies with 6 to 8 cm.
The vagina is built by size under the floor, so the organism is built. By the way, why does it have to be elongated when you get excited?) When other processes are initiated, do women happen? And either it's atonic or normal and it's already getting hit by a sexual member, because the walls are elastic and subtle.
I fully agree that the size does not affect the number of sex partners and the births are women of large size with small growth... and only special exercises can teach women to squeeze...
On the theme: After birth or abortion, the depth of the vagina may decrease somewhat.
It's because of the uterus. In addition, the smooth musculature of the vagina is relaxed, and it may appear that the vagina is significantly expanded (although the vagina grows slightly in diameter after delivery).
Therefore, no problems in intimate life after delivery should arise. However, if you are unsatisfactory about the size of the vagina, the situation can be corrected by the following means:
* You can squeeze the vagina muscles between 10 seconds. Such exercise should be carried out at least 10 times a day;
* See the Keguel methodology - special exercises for pelvis bodies that improve the tone of smooth muscle;
Intimate plastic is an operational intervention that reduces the diameter of the vagina. Consider that this is a last resort, and if you're comfortable with sex, you don't need to use this technique.
The small size of the vagina can deliver some discomfort during sex. A woman may suffer from sexual intercourse, and such sex will not be a pleasure. Some women with small vagina sizes may suffer from a condition such as vaginas, where the vagina muscles are squeezed and sexual contact becomes impossible. In such cases, a gynaecologist must be consulted.
... As the sexual instigation of [women] increases, the blood supply increases, not only in the vagina walls but also in the vulva region. The small lips are drowned with light and pink paint, and the blood filling the large lips is beginning to pressure on the Bartolins of the iron, " squeezing " of them on the surface. Then, at the end of the sexual instigation phase, the shape and dimensions of the vagina are changed, which is extended and extended in its deep part in the cervical area. American sexologists Master and Johnson claim to be in a calm state of vagina length of 7 to 8 centimeters, at the end of the instigation phase, it extends by almost 3 centimeters, reaching 9.5 to 10.5 centimeters.
At the same time, its deep section of 2 centimetres extends to 6 to 6.5 centimetres, an increase of almost 4.5 centimetres. The elongated and extended vagina is similar to the shape and length of the male sexual penis in a state of erection and the drowning resembles the head of a sexual member. In the instigation phase, the dark-blooded color of the vagina and its prediction changes to the red intestine due to the stalemate in the receptacles of the accumulated and insufficient oxygen-enriched venous blood. This blood is darker than oxygen-enriched arterial blood. ♪ ♪
One of the most pleasant nurses to learn that a woman's vagina is normal for 8 cm long. Gynecologists don't have fingers between 25 and 30 cm, but the cervical touches their fingers: Sometimes surgeons. Make conclusions.